Hello World, its been a while since my total honesty patched us together. I left for a minute but I guess I can say am back. I am listening to a song which lasts a minute and twenty-two seconds by Dre Kay. The title is the reason for this very blog post.
I guess by now, if you are actually reading from this blog, you will notice, I do not write anything than my woven thoughts on a subject in poetry, but what do I do when I am listening to poetry? Write poetry inspired by it or the feeling generated by my fixated mind on the lyrics? This time i choose the lather.
The song is playing through this headphone which by the way isn't a Bose, Sony, Monster Beats, or any other high earning headphones. Before I delve into my reasons for wanting to share this, I will tell you how I came about the song. An amazing woman shared it with me as part of her Bornday Mixtape like she puts it. :) It was included in a birthday dinner invitation she sent out via email and prompted via text messaging. How thoughtful can a human being get.
Now lets get along with it to exposing the vulnerability of my insides triggered by this beautiful mixtape and specifically this very song.
"... i was blazed and amazed
in ways that had changed
ways i think about
the stillness of now
wind steady blows
through open windows
sky so blue
it pierces through you ..."
This is part of the lyrics of this song. I am a touchy feely type of guy and sentimental at times, but that has nothing to do with anything. Lets continue, a song perfectly describing how I feel is something I call art, especially when they can do it in a minute and twenty two seconds. I feel as though I were floating on whirling wind with each click on the play icon to repeat. The beauty of it for me though is the wind gets bigger with each play and not only that, its not on course to destroy any structure or body but rather clearing a mountain of chaotic thoughts that have manifested themselves into tangibles.
Well, I feel as though, I am not equipping myself with the tool needed to express myself fully. I feel more than just what I have written but I lack the words to actually express it. I hope you get a glimpse of what I was trying to say. The title of the song is QUIET by Dre- Kay. Find it and share your thoughts of it with me or the next person. Thank you DJ Si.
Photo By : Quiet natural beauty photography by Scott Kroeker
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