Tuesday 14 January 2014

Corny Insomnia thought at 11:34 pm

In time like this very one, muse is mind in wonder and with that, it will ponder of yesterdays decisions. But tomorrows beginnings provide the hope.. I have not visited my oasis in a while and yet on the day I do, it takes form in a beautiful confusion. 


Hold me frantic child
Daughter of old land, love me wild.
Let me be your touche and cliches
We started a tale of maybe and why not
Scribe each day in memories please
Scare each phase in heart with ease

Mold me drastic child 
Throw out your ex files
Let me show you why you should smile
Not frown.
Create our own memories and why not?

I will love you gently child
I miss you

Friday 22 February 2013

Its 5:15am and its Breakfast

You had me unwrapping while I,
Had sleep in my eye , 
butter spread while I 
Cream both layers.  
Dripping edge has me licking lips. 
Black coffee on gentle sips.
Time you popping hot and up like my french toast that you are. 
Scramble away, curl and toss, sizzle and stick.
Honey trickle as i dip each break. mmmm
I will slice you orange, cherry and strawberry.
You are good. A fine morning guaranteed.

Thursday 6 December 2012


Hello World, its been a while since my total honesty patched us together. I left for a minute but I guess I can say am back. I am listening to a song which lasts a minute and twenty-two seconds by Dre Kay. The title is the reason for this very blog post.

I guess by now, if you are actually reading from this blog, you will notice, I do not write anything than my woven thoughts on a subject in poetry, but what do I do when I am listening to poetry? Write poetry inspired by it or the feeling generated by my fixated mind on the lyrics? This time i choose the lather.

The song is playing through this headphone which by the way isn't a Bose, Sony, Monster Beats, or any other high earning headphones. Before I delve into my reasons for wanting to share this, I will tell you how I came about the song. An amazing woman shared it with me as part of her Bornday Mixtape like she puts it. :) It was included in a birthday dinner invitation she sent out via email and prompted via text messaging. How thoughtful can a human being get.

Now lets get along with it to exposing the vulnerability of my insides triggered by this beautiful mixtape and specifically this very song.

"... i was blazed and amazed 
in ways that had changed 
ways i think about 
the stillness of now 

wind steady blows 
through open windows 
sky so blue 
it pierces through you ..."

This is part of the lyrics of this song. I am a touchy feely type of guy and sentimental at times, but that has nothing to do with anything. Lets continue, a song perfectly describing how I feel is something I call art, especially when they can do it in a minute and twenty two seconds. I feel as though I were floating on whirling wind with each click on the play icon to repeat. The beauty of it for me though is the wind gets bigger with each play and not only that, its not on course to destroy any structure or body but rather clearing a mountain of chaotic thoughts that have manifested themselves into tangibles.

Well, I feel as though, I am not equipping myself with the tool needed to express myself fully. I feel more than just what I have written but I lack the words to actually express it. I hope you get a glimpse of what I was trying to say. The title of the song is QUIET by Dre- Kay. Find it and share your thoughts of it with me or the next person. Thank you DJ Si.

Photo By : Quiet natural beauty photography by Scott Kroeker 

Wednesday 21 November 2012


Its all about the numbers now, 99% and the 1%. Where are you and in which category do you belong. Society puts me in with the  99%. I speak my raw emotion from that point of view. I don't hate the 1% though as we all strive to belong there. I just feel we must voice out against those who want to use 99% to increase their 1%.

Have we sold our bloodlines to their gods?
Have we forsaken our truths for their odds?
While our Qi is caged with their sweet tongue nothings?

I have pledged to my seeds that there is a day coming,
Sooner than they perceive.
So I bit your hearts,
Lets read their pamphlets of war
Steal knowledge from their generals while we scrape their boots.

But we sure and aware,
They will call us dogs and everything their conscience will stoop low
Do not be weary
For when we are done, will call to heart and minds to revolt

This revolution will call for papier-mache presidential head figures
Filled with instant tooth decaying sweets
Hang them on electric poles from South to North
We shall beat these pinatas open with stilt of circus men
Feed the content to the dogs that protect their high walls
Then shall we hum our future in the streets
So their decadent lives be known for lack of action.

We will learn warrior songs
Hew down every vile facile of traitorous notion to disturb the peace
Action shall be our place of origin and will unite our bloodlines.
Then when they read of our deeds in their print media
It shall say "People of action stood up to an idea which was not theirs."

I edge you sons and daughters of the sun to be vigilant,
We have seen our father rise from east and set in the west
But the winds are changing
Lets learn from his deeds
Let us shine, Let us rise, doesnt matter from where
Lets just rise.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Skin and Chocolate Dip

Darkness swallowed her beautiful
Called her skin and chocolate dip
Became confident in her on skin
Fixation of sight to voluminous trickle.
Higher heel with natural locked locks
Flow down baby, flow down with ease.
Thigh high with hidden tease
Reach out to your light my dear
And let us see what you wish without fear.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Sunday Morning

 Another shell has broken to birth a new day.
What does Odumankuma have for His fowls?
Not the the slaughter house i hope.
the indigent is also preparing for the house of the priest.
I look from afar
As his baskets of gold are being polished to collect their cowries
the sale of fear and the unknown is corrupted wealth.
And the musing few are now linguists to the real bidders.
League of Extraordinary bullshitters
Praise Onyankupong for revelation.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Worthless Eulogy

This rambling is inspired by this very image from a friends tumblr page : http://adobeapippim.tumblr.com/

These are my coding of running around in search of that light from inside. After going what seemingly full circle, results just seem worst that before? Impossible right? I thought so to. Just share this space with me.


Here i am again, sorry to have left for so long. You know the life of a gypsy has foot prints everywhere and nowhere. The witches from across the dark valleys were trying to heal my insecurities, but the one eyed Okomfo insisted i attend to my home before i continue on my journey. So here i am.

Is there any reason why i should be here? You have stopped all growth from accepting me. The dwarfs of Yigi rejected Orisha's offer of truce on my behalf. You welcomed me with initiative cloak and leadership cup. Were they just facades for me as though in battle to lure me in?

I have been locked up for three annuals and two moons. I thought you were my oasis? Is insanity your intend for me? You force me to write this message on this mud walls with my bleeding fingers. Did you shackle anyone else in here while i was away? I see writing not mine. An amateur has scribbled their pain also. Am i being delusional? Here i am.

Punishment is uncalled for, Obatala had reason for your headless nature. I thought sharing mine even through time and space will bring you close to humanity. Why do you prove me wrong? Bless me and release me now is my cry.You are giving the infertile men from across the street reason to laugh. Why would you rather i cry when you should be enjoying this momentary return? Marinate these.

Here i am.

Thursday 25 August 2011


For the past decade
I am made to know
To go down on my knees to sow
My tears on hard concrete floors
Now its time to grow
Rising throw cracks and molds.

I see red leaves
My eyes just cant believe
Curse or Miracle
Its not even probable
Mind cant conceive
Beige fruits on tree
Only three feet

No need for water
Or even good weather
Only time has grown farther
Yield exotic food of my labor

I will share the seeds
Learn and proceed
With same methods
And you will yield even better feeds

Friday 15 July 2011

A BROTHERS APOLOGY - I love you lil bro

I look not back cos i felt guilty
Reason clouded my decency
so i acted more stupidly
Should i be the mentor figure to you?
How is that possible, and always acting
a fool
Is all that i seem to be.

I wish i could say it
Even in my apology, i hold back
My tears just my ego feeling sorry
for me
But honestly,
You show me growth and the man
That i should be

Thank you

Thursday 2 June 2011


I spoke to the god with three fingers
I said, owura, grant my four wishes
Life, music, tongue and sex
He pointed one finger at me and said
Listen and music will play
Live and life will come
Two is all i can grant
For you stole one finger
And took two wishes
You cruel child of Gaia
As if that was not enough.
Tongue and sex is what you stole
My mistress with.